We have 2 contests going on today. 1 for all members and 1 just for kid’s 8 years old and under. We hope to see you here.
August 14
7:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
The largest catfish caught wins a 16 qt Coleman cooler. You must be a member and register your catch with the ranger, and fish must be legal size and alive.
August 14
7:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.
Alright kiddos 8 years old and younger, this is your chance to show the grown-ups just how fishing is done! Grab your fishing poles, bait, sunglasses, hats, chairs and have fun fishing in the kids pond. The rules are only kid’s 8 years of age and younger may be in this contest. They must be the only one fishing, but may receive guidance if needed. They must use a kid’s rod & reel pole that features a princess, prince, superhero or cartoon character to qualify. The largest fish caught wins a $20.00 SBEA gift certificate redeemable at the lake store.
Lunker Catfish Tournament
August 28 & 29
Only those entered in tournament will be allowed to fish. This event is for members, family members and their guest only. This is a fund raiser for SBEA.
Your chance to catch the “BIG” one and take 1st place has just gotten better. Grab your fishing poles and don’t worry about bait, our lake store can accommodate all your needs for this tournament. Once the fish for this tournament have been stocked in the lake there will be no fishing until the tournament starts at 8 a.m. on Aug. 28. Only those that have paid to enter the tournament will be allowed to fish until the tournament is over. This is a 24 hour tournament; registration starts at 7 a.m. on Aug. 28 and the tournament starts at 8 a.m. Weigh in time is at 8 a.m. sharp on Aug. 29; however you may weigh in anytime during the tournament if you do not want to stay the entire time. You may pre-register at the lake store and pay your $25 entry fee or pay any time to enter the fishing tournament The lake will be stocked with “BIG” channel cat for this tournament. There will be 3 cash prizes for the three largest creel of 4 catfish; 1st place, ($250), 2nd place ($150) and 3rd place ($100) and then $100 if you want to enter the contest for largest catfish caught for an additional $5.00 entry fee. All rules of the lake must be followed with no gold fish allowed for bait and 2 poles per fisherman. No buddy system will be allowed, you must catch your own fish and they must be kept on your own stringer or in your own basket and kept in the water. Vehicles will be subject to inspection. Contestants will be supplied with an armband and rods used in the tournament will be tagged. Tournament ends promptly at 8 a.m. on Aug. 29. If you do not present your fish by that time you will be disqualified, so be sure to be on time. For your convenience the bait shop will be open until 10:00 p.m. on Aug. 28. The lake will be closed for fishing to everyone who is not a contestant in the tournament. Camping will be allowed for those in the tournament on Aug. 28.
Theresa Caputo
Theresa Caputo Live! The Experience at the Orpheum Theatre, previously scheduled for Monday, March 8 has been rescheduled to take place on Saturday, September 25, 2021.
All previously purchased tickets from the previously scheduled date will be honored for the new date and fans are encouraged to hold onto their tickets.
Order tickets by Sept. 15, 1:00 p.m.
Tickets $44.25, $84.25, $104.25, $130.25
No Volunteers Are Needed For This Event
$17.25 in advance / $22.00 day of show / $80.25 Table reserve hold
No Volunteers Are Needed for This Event