Free Bowling For The Family
Free Cosmic Bowling
March 6, 6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
SBEA members may bowl for free at Seneca Bowling Alley with their current 2019/2020 SBEA membership card (includes shoe rental). You must show your card at the table set up inside the door to get in free. This event is for you and your immediate family only. Limit one game unless there is no one waiting to play.
SBEA Easter Celebration
Join Us For A Morning Of Fun
April 3, 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
SBEA Recreation Area, 4226 S. Gold
Easter is just around the corner which means it’s time for the SBEA Annual Easter Celebration. Join us at SBEA Recreation Area, April 3, 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. This year will be different than the past years due to Covid-19. We have structured the event in order to maintain the guidelines and still make it safe for the kids. We will only allow so many through the lines at a time to keep the required social distancing so we ask that you please be patient with us so we can bring this great event back this year. All events will be placed so you can go from beginning to end. Masks still required. All current covid-19 guidelines will be in place to protect everyone!
Pre decorated cookies Bag of candy and goodies
Troubles the Clown Easter backdrop for family pictures
Pucker Powder Craft
Cake walk Plunko game
Fish pond Lollipop tree
Duck pond Animal rescue
Cotton candy Spin art
Easter egg punch (chance to win stuffed bunnies)
We can’t wait to see you all. Don’t forget your baskets!!
Masks still required. All current covid-19 guidelines will be in place to protect everyone!
We are looking for volunteers to help make this a fun and safe event for the kids. Please contact Stephanie at 522-2996.
Lunker Catfish Tournament
May 22- 23
Only those entered in tournament will be allowed to fish. This is a fund raiser for SBEA.
Your chance to catch the “BIG” one and take 1st place has just gotten better. Grab your fishing poles and don’t worry about bait, our lake store can accommodate all your needs for this tournament. Once the fish for this tournament have been stocked in the lake there will be no fishing until the tournament starts at 8 a.m. on May 22. Only those that have paid to enter the tournament will be allowed to fish until the tournament is over. This is a 24 hour tournament; registration starts at 7 a.m. on May 22 and the tournament starts at 8 a.m. May 23. Weigh in time is at 8 a.m. sharp; however you may weigh in anytime during the tournament if you do not want to stay the entire time. You may pre-register at the lake store and pay your $25 entry fee or pay any time to enter the fishing tournament The lake will be stocked with “BIG” channel cat for this tournament. There will be 3 cash prizes for the three largest creel of 4 catfish; 1st place, ($250), 2nd place ($150) and 3rd place ($100) and then $100 if you want to enter the contest for largest catfish caught for an additional $5.00 entry fee. All rules of the lake must be followed with no gold fish allowed for bait and 2 poles per fisherman. No buddy system will be allowed, you must catch your own fish and they must be kept on your own stringer or in your own basket and kept in the water. Vehicles will be subject to inspection. Contestants will be supplied with an armband and rods used in the tournament will be tagged. Tournament ends promptly at 8 a.m. on May 23. If you do not present your fish by that time you will be disqualified, so be sure to be on time. For your convenience the bait shop will be open until 10:00 p.m. on May 22. The lake will be closed for fishing to everyone who is not a contestant in the tournament. Camping will be allowed for those in the tournament on May 22.
Reverend Horton Heat (SOLO) with Dale Watson (SOLO)
Sun, Jun 6, 7:00 PM
Tickets $19.25, $24.25 Balcony / $24.00 DOS, $29.00 Balcony DOS
No Volunteers Are Needed for This Event
Lucii w/ Ace Aura and Sacred Snow
Fri, Jun 11, 7:30 PM
Tickets T1 $22.25, T2 $25.25, T3 $27.25, T4 $30.25
No Volunteers Are Needed for This Event
Fishing Contest
June 12, 7:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
The largest catfish caught wins a 16 qt. Colman cooler. You must be a member and register your catch with the ranger, and fish must be legal size and alive.